
About The Maple Hill Subdivision

The one hundred and eighty homes of Maple Hill are located about one mile from the Boise Towne Square Shopping Mall – Maple Hill homeowners can walk or ride a bike to near-by stores and restaurants.

A major feature of Maple Hill is its consistent real estate appreciation. Conscientious homeowners and adherence to the reasonable covenants and homeowner association agreements have kept the homes updated and a pleasure to view from the wide streets.

Another well known attribute of Maple Hill is its Common Area. Comprising approximately three acres, along with grassy areas this greenbelt has two streams, each with its own waterfall, that flow into a large pond. The streams are lined with beautiful foliage and walkways that criss-cross the streams on bridges.

Local tree squirrels, golden and brown finches, robins, humming birds and the occasional woodpecker are joined by migratory ducks that can be viewed up-close. The greenbelt’s sidewalks join those of the neighborhood and enable residents to enjoy excellent recreational walking.

Maple Hill Subdivision Documents